Konferencja studencka "Social and humanitarian knowledge in the context of global processes"

Serdecznie zapraszamy wszystkich studentów do czynnego wzięcia udziału (zgłoszenie referatu) w międzynarodowej konferencji studenckiej pt. "Social and humanitarian knowledge in the context of global processes". Kaliningrad (on-line), 30.03.2021. Termin nadsyłania referatów: 20.03.2021.
Szczegóły poniżej.

Kontakt po stronie GSW:
dr Mirosław Borkowski, prof. GSW
prodziekan.wa@gsw.gda.pl, tel. 696 210 330


Department of Philosophy and Cultural Studies of FSEI HE «Kaliningrad State Technical University»
with the participation of
the Kaliningrad branch of FSEI HE Saint-Petersburg State Agrarian University,
the Academy of Tourism and Hotel Management in Gdansk,
The University of Security in Poznan,
Socio-economic High School in Gdansk,
Gdansk School oh Higher Education

invite you to take part in

the International student scientific conference
"Social and humanitarian knowledge in the context of global processes"
30 March 2021 at 14:00

  1. Venue: Kaliningrad State Technical University (online powered by Google Meet). A link for participation will be sent in accordance with your application.
  2. Deadline for submission of applications: 20 March 2021.
  3. The conference results will be published in electronic conference proceedings.
  4. Participants: university students, high school students.
Application form
  • To: Organizing committee of the International student scientific conference "Social and humanitarian knowledge in the context of global processes"
  • From: Full name
  • Place of study
  • Full name, position, academic title of the academic supervisor
  • Report title:
  • Address: (work and home), telephone, e-mail:

Please, send your application form by e-mail: svetlana.jashina@klgtu.ru. Papers (abstracts) should be sent to the address of the organizing committee: svetlana.jashina@klgtu.ru until March 20, 2021. The file name must begin with the author's surname.

Terms of publication

Papers from 3 to 10 pages are accepted for publication, designed in accordance with the requirements listed below.

Paper requirements
  • Page format: A4 (210x297 mm)
  • Margins (top, bottom, left, right): 20 mm
  • Font: size 14, type Times New Roman
  • Line spacing is one and a half
  • Pages are not numbered

Svetlana Lvovna Yashina,
Aram Anatolievich Narinyan
mob. +7 909 791 6888

Data wydarzenia: wtorek, 30 Marzec, 2021